#include void fonction( char *chaine, int *entier, float *reel ) { strcat( chaine, " et chaine_c" ); *entier = strlen( chaine ); *reel = 100.0; }thos typedef struct cel { float r; int n; } Cellule; /* * Function returning the address of an object * of type cell */ Cellule *creation_cel( float *r, int *n ) { Cellule *c = malloc( sizeof(Cellule) ); c->r = *r; c->n = *n; return c; } void modif_cel( Cellule **c, float *r, int *n ) { (*c)->r = *r; (*c)->n = *n; return; } void imp_cel( Cellule **c ) { printf( "Cellule : %f, %d\n", (*c)->r, (*c)->n ); return; } void libere_cel( Cellule **c ) { free( *c ); return; }