The systems/operations/infrastructure Team
A group of 13 people with the following missions:
- Ensure the continuous smooth functioning of the IDRIS supercomputers including oversight of the outsourced “level 2 systems support” and “level 1 exploitation support” which provides 24/7 detection and follow-up of material and software incidents.
- Install and manage the institute's different computation servers, files and pre-/post-processing servers.
- Manage the global architecture of the intensive computing environment by optimising the integration of all the machines, thereby ensuring their interoperability.
- Manage and optimise the integration of the IDRIS supercomputers into the PRACE European infrastructures and collaborate in consolidating the smooth functioning of these infrastructures.
- Participate in determining the specifications for new services including the software development necessary to their implementations at both national and European levels.
- Ensure the follow-up and evolution of building and technical infrastructures in order to accomodate the hosting of new configurations or new services.
The team members :
Philippe COLLINET | Manager: Systems and Operations team |
Rafael MEDEIROS | Deputy manager: Infrastructures |
The systems group:
Luis AREAN |
Christophe DIARRA |
Clément GAUTHEY |
Marwen HNIA |
Pascal HUYNH |
Mahendra PAIPURI |
Aurélie SEVELLEC |
Dinh-Tuan TRAN |
To contact a member of the IDRIS personnel by e-mail, compose the electronic address as follows: forename.surname@idris.fr