IDRIS training courses
IDRIS provides training courses for its own users as well as to others who use scientific computing. Most of these courses are included in the CNRS continuing education catalogue CNRS Formation Entreprises which makes them accessible to all users of scientific calculation in both the academic and industrial sectors.
These courses are principally oriented towards the methods of parallel progamming: MPI, OpenMP and hybrid MPI/OpenMP, the keystones for using the supercomputers of today. Since 2021, courses concerning Artificial Intellignec are proposed.
A catalogue of scheduled IDRIS training courses, regularly updated, is available here: IDRIS trainings catalogue
These courses are free of charge if you are employed by either the CNRS (France's National Centre for Scientific Research) or a French university. In these cases, enrollment is done directly on the web site IDRIS courses. All other users should enroll through CNRS Formation Entreprises.
IDRIS training course materials are available on line here.