Account management: Account opening and closure

User accounts

Each user has a unique account which can be associated with all the projects in which the user participates.

For more information, you may consult our web page regarding multi-project management.

Managing your account is done through completing an IDRIS form which must be sent to .

Of particular note, the FGC form is used to make modifications for an existing account: Add/delete machine access, change a postal address, telephone number, employer, etc.

An account can only exist as “open” or “closed”:

  • Open. In this case, it is possible to:
    • Submit jobs on the compute machine if the project's current hours allocation has not been exhausted (cf. idracct command output).
    • Submit pre- and post-processing jobs.
  • Closed. In this case, the user can no longer connect to the machine. An e-mail notification is sent to the project manager and the user at the time of account closure.

Opening a user account

For a new project

There is no automatic or implicit account opening. Each user of a project must request one of the following:

  • If the user does not yet have an IDRIS account, the opening of an account respects the access procedures (note GENCI), for regular access as well as dynamic access, use the eDARI portal after the concerned project has obtained computing hours.
  • if the user already has an account opened at IDRIS, the linking of his account to the project concerned via the eDARI portal. This request must be signed by both the user and the manager of the added project.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: By decision of the IDRIS director or the CNRS Defence and Security Officer (FSD), the creation of a new account may be submitted for ministerial authorisation in application of the French regulations for the Protection du Potentiel Scientifique et Technique de la Nation (PPST). In this event, a personal communication will be transmitted to the user so that implementation of the required procedure may be started, knowing that this authorisation procedure may take up to two months. To anticipate this, you can send an email directly to the concerned centre ( see the contacts on the eDARI portal) to initiate the procedure in advance (for yourself or for someone you wish to integrate soon into your group) even before the account opening request is sent for validation to the director of the research structure and to the security manager of the research structure.

Comment: The opening of a new account on the machine will not be effective until (1) the access request (regular, dynamic, or preparatory) is validated (with ministerial authorization if requested) and (2) the concerned project has obtained computing hours.

You have access to a short video about resources allocation and account opening on Jean Zay on our YouTube channel "Un œil sur l'IDRIS" (it is in French but automatic subtitles work quite properly):

For a project renewal

Existing accounts are automatically carried over from one project call to another if the eligibility conditions of the project members have not changed (cf. GENCI explanatory document for project calls Modalités d'accès). If your account is open and already associated with the project which has obtained hours for the following call, no action on your part is necessary.

Closure of a user account

Account closure of an unrenewed project

When a GENCI project is not renewed, the following procedure is applied:

  • On the date of computing hours accounting expiry:
    • Unused DARI hours are no longer available and the project users can no longer submit jobs on the compute machine for this project (no more hours accounting for the project).
    • The project accounts remain open and linked to the project so that data can be accessed for a period of six months.
  • Six months after the date of hours accounting expiry:
    • Project accounts are detached from the project (no more access to project data).
    • All the project data (SCRATCH, STORE, WORK, ALL_CCFRSCRATCH, ALL_CCFRSTORE and ALL_CCFRWORK) will be deleted at the initiative of IDRIS within an undefined time period.
    • All the project accounts which are still linked to another project will remain open but, if the non-renewed project was their default project, they must change it via the idrproj command (otherwise the variables (SCRATCH, STORE, WORK, ALL_CCFRSCRATCH, ALL_CCFRSTORE and ALL_CCFRWORK will not be defined).
    • All the project accounts which are no longer linked to any project can be closed at any time.

File recovery is the responsibility of each user during the six months following the end of an unrenewed project, by transferring files to a user's local laboratory machine or to the Jean Zay disk spaces of another DARI project for multi-project accounts.

With this six-month delay period, we avoid premature closing of project accounts: This is the case for a project of allocation Ai which was not renewed for the following year (no computing hours requested for allocation Ai+2) but was renewed for allocation Ai+3 (which begins six months after allocation Ai+2).

Account closure after expiry of ministerial authorisation for accessing IDRIS computer resources

Ministerial authorisation is only valid for a certain period of time. When the ministerial authorisation reaches its expiry date, we are obligated to close your account.

In this situation, the procedure is as follows:

  • A first email notification is sent to the user 90 days before the expiry date.
  • A second email notification is sent to the user 70 days before the expiry date.
  • The account is closed on the expiry date if the authorisation has not been renewed. .

Important: to avoid this account closure, upon receipt of the first email, the user is invited to submit a new request for an account opening via eDARI portal so that IDRIS can start examining of a prolongation dossier. Indeed, the instruction of the dossier can take up to two months .

Account closure for security reasons

An account may be closed at any moment and without notice by decision of the IDRIS management.

Account closure following a detaching request made by the project manager

The project manager can request the detaching of an account attached to his project by completing and sending us the form (FGC)

During this request, the project manager may request that the data of the detached account and contained in the SCRATCH, STORE, WORK, ALL_CCFRSCRATCH, ALL_CCFRSTORE and ALL_CCFRWORK directories be immediately deleted or copied into the directories of another user attached to the same project.

But following the detachment, if the detached account is no longer attached to any project, it can then be closed at any time.