Table des matières
Jean Zay: The FFTW library
The FFTW library is a set of C subroutines for calculating the discrete Fourier transform in one or many dimensions for real and complex data.
Installed versions
FFTW is available in parallel and sequential versions.
Sequential versions:
- 3.3.8 with the GCC 8.2.0 compiler
- 3.3.8 with the Intel 19.0.4 compiler
Parallel versions:
- 2.1.5 with the Intel 19.0.4 compiler
- 3.3.8 with the GCC 5.5.0 compiler
- 3.3.8 with the GCC 8.2.0 compiler
- 3.3.8 with the GCC 9.1.0 compiler
- 3.3.8 with the Intel 18 compiler
- 3.3.8 with the Intel 19.0.4 compiler
The FFTW library is accessible through the module command,
$ module load fftw
or by loading a specific version:
$ module load fftw/3.3.8/intel-19.0.4-mpi
To know which versions are installed on the machine:
$ module avail fftw