Table des matières
Jean Zay pre-/post-processing: The VTK library
The VTK library is a group of C++ classes intended for 2D/3D data visualisation and for image processing.
Installed versions
VTK | 8.1.2 |
Links with other products | Python-2.7.16 HDF5-1.10.5 NetCDF-4.7.0 mpi |
The VTK product may be accessed through the module command. Note that only one version of VTK is available:
$ module avail vtk
Moreover, it can be used in only one environment, mixing gcc/9.1.0 with intel-mpi/19.0.4 as is shown in the output of the display
sub-command of module
$ module display vtk ------------------------------------------------------------------- /gpfslocalsup/pub/modules-idris-env4/modulefiles/linux-rhel7-x86_64/vtk/8.1.2-mpi: module-whatis {The Visualization Toolkit (VTK) is an open-source, freely available software system for 3D computer graphics, image processing and visualization.} prereq gcc/9.1.0 conflict vtk Available software environment(s): - gcc/9.1.0 intel-mpi/19.0.4 If you want to use this module with another software environment, please contact the support team. -------------------------------------------------------------------
To use VTK, you just need to load the corresponding module:
$ module load vtk Loading vtk/8.1.2-mpi Loading requirement: gcc/9.1.0 intel-mpi/2019.4 $ module list Currently Loaded Modulefiles: 1) gcc/9.1.0 2) intel-mpi/2019.4 3) vtk/8.1.2-mpi