Data stored at IDRIS are available via the THREDDS (Thematic Real-time Environmental Distributed Data Services) Data Server of the ESGF (Earth System Grid Federation) server of the Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL).

Important : This service, administered by IPSL, is only accessible to IDRIS users who are affiliated with one of the member laboratories or partners of IPSL. Requests for access must be addressed to the User Support Team.

The path to the root of your THREDDS tree hierarchy on Jean Zay is defined by the environment variable $THREDDSDIR.

The data shared in this way are accessible via l'URL :<your login>/catalog.html.

This service replaces DODS (Distributed Oceanographic Data Systems) which was previously available at IDRIS.

Commands available on Jean Zay

IDRIS has made the command mfthredds available on Jean Zay and a set of scripts for making the files public or, on the contrary, to remove this access. Either way, with the option -h, you can obtain a summary of their syntax.


The mfthredds command principally permits making a file accessible through the intermediary of the THREDDS server. This command copies a file (belonging to the user) to the disk space which is visible from the THREDDS server.

Here is a usage example:

$ mfthredds Analyse/TS_MO/
 copy file : /.../rlab001/Analyse/TS_MO/ -> /.../ipsl/dods/pub/rlab001/

We can see that the mfthredds command copies the file at the root of the THREDDS space specific to each user, by default. It is possible to specify a different subdirectory with the option, -d (directory):

$ mfthredds -d my_dir Analyse/TS_MO/
 copy file : /.../rlab001/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A-MR/Analyse/TS_MO/ -> /.../ipsl/dods/pub/rlab001/my_dir/

If the sub-tree (here my_dir) specified with the -d option does not exist, it is then created.

With the mfthredds command, you may also immediately remove access to the files by deleting them from the THREDDS space by using the option -r (remove). For example:

$ mfthredds -r /.../ipsl/dods/pub/rlab001/
 remove file /.../ipsl/dods/pub/rlab001/

or, with a path relative to your THREDDS directory:

$ mfthredds -r my_dir/
 remove file /.../ipsl/dods/pub/rlab001/my_dir/

Note: The mfthredds command accepts the standard wildcard characters * and ? in file names.


This script permits recursively copying an entire directory to the THREDDS space by creating, if needed, the necessary subdirectories:

>  thredds_cp PRACE_2-IP/kick_off/ dir/sub_dir


This script permits recursively removing access to an entire directory from the THREDDS space, (with all its subdirectories).
Caution: Avoid launching this command on the root of your THREDDS space as the command cannot be reversed. You would then need to recopy all the files using mfthredds or thredds_cp (if you have kept a copy of them!).


> thredds_rm tree
remove file /.../ipsl/dods/pub/rlab001/tree/with/subdir/ 
/.../ipsl/dods/pub/rlab001/tree/with/subdir removed 
/.../ipsl/dods/pub/rlab001/tree/with removed 
/.../ipsl/dods/pub/rlab001/tree removed

Note : All the thredds_ scripts accept the standard wildcard characters * and ?.