HPC and AI GPU Hackathon at IDRIS

IDRIS is organizing a HPC and AI GPU Hackathon together with NVIDIA.

The Hackathon will be held remotely on May 9th and from May 17th through May 19th.

The application deadline has been extended to Thursday, 7th April 2022.

GPU Hackathons provide opportunities for teams of three or four developers and researchers to accelerate their HPC or AI codes under the guidance of expert mentors from universities, national labs, computing centers, governmental institutions and hardware manufacturers in a collaborative environment.

For HPC projects, it could be the opportunity to start porting a code to GPU using OpenACC, GPU libraries, CUDA, etc or to optimize an existing GPU implementation. If your codebase is large in size, we recommend selecting and extracting a representative mini-app from the original application in order to be more efficient during the Hackathon.

For AI projects, it will be the occasion to work with the AI framework of your choice, improving the model itself as well as adding multi-GPU and even multi-node parallelization or using mixed precision.

Please register on https://www.gpuhackathons.org/event/idris-gpu-hackathon-2022.