Connection problems with ssh

ssh was replaced by OpenSSH on 23 March 2004. ssf uses a version 1 ssh protocol whereas OpenSSH uses a version 2 ssh protocol. Certains changes or incompatibilities should be noted:

  • The .rhosts file
    IDRIS no longer authorizes using .rhosts files during connections. To automatise your procedures, you must henceforth use the ssh keys respecting IDRIS recommendations.
  • Les clés
    The public keys put into your $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys file, encrypted by a version 1 ssh protocol are not compatible with the version 2 ssh protocol. In this case, you must:
    • Delete the authorized_keys file found in the $HOME/.ssh directory of the IDRIS machines.
    • Encrypt new keys with the version 2 ssh protocol and update the authorized_keys file on the different machines.

Note: The public keys encrypted by a version 2 ssh protocol using the ssh-keygen -t rsa command begin with the character string ssh-rsa. For example, from your local machine:

$ cat
ssh-rsa AbCFc4Km70lRE3dBBBBAJ........

In this way, you can verify the compatibility of the ssh protocol version installed on your local machine and the IDRIS machines.

You are still in version 1 ssh: You should update your machine by installing a recent version of ssh. On 12 october 2004, IDRIS deleted the possibility of connecting via a version 1 ssh protocol. If you wish, you can download the latest version of OpenSSH at the following address: