Jean Zay: Using the PGI compilation system for C/C++ and Fortran

The various PGI compiler versions available on Jean Zay may be activated through the module command.

Example of loading:

$ module avail pgi 
---------------- /gpfslocalsup/pub/module-rh/modulefiles ----------------
pgi/19.10  pgi/20.1  pgi/20.4
$ module load pgi/19.10
$ module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
  1) pgi/19.10

The compilation commands in Fortran, C et C++ :

Langage Commande Suffixes des fichiers sources
C pgcc .c, .i
C++ pgc++ .C, .cxx, c++, .cc, .cpp
Fortran pgfortran, pgf77, pgf95 .f, .F, .FOR, .F90, .F95, .f90, .f95
CUDA-Fortran pgfortran, pgf95 .cuf, .CUF

Examples of generating executable files

$ pgcc prog.c -o prog
$ pgc++ prog.cpp -o prog
$ pgfortran prog.f90 -o prog

Jean Zay : Using the Intel compilation system for C/C++ and Fortran

The principal documentation for the Intel compilers is found here.