Grands Challenges 2020 on Jean Zay
After installing and putting into service the Jean Zay supercomputer, a specific time period dedicated to starting, testing and configuration development, was reserved for projects accepting the variations in operational conditions which were not yet completely stabilized. On this occasion, called « Grands Challenges », participating projects had the unique opportunity to access all of the supercomputer's resources for effectuating exceptional simulations or processing.
Following a call for candidatures for the “Grands Challenges”, launched by GENCI to the different Thematic Committees, 30 projects were retained (18 in numerical simulation and 12 in artificial intelligence). These projects shared the supercomputer principally between July 2019 and April 2020.
A brochure called “Grands Challenges IDRIS 2020” was published presenting all the participating projects.
Brochure Grands Challenges Jean Zay 2020 (in French)
A second phase of « Grands Challenges » is currently in progress within the framework of the implementation of the Jean Zay extension. For this phase, sixteen projects were selected to access resources between September 2020 and April 2021.