Jean Zay, pre-/post-processing: The NCAR library


NCAR Command Language (NCL) is a set of subroutines which uses GKS software as a base. It is distributed by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) (Boulder, Colorado) and allows designing visualization graphics (traced curves, histograms, level curves, 3D visualization, cartographic contours, etc.).

Installed version

  • NCL is only available in parallel version 6.6.2 and with an environment combining gcc/9.1.0 et intel-mpi/19.0.4.


The ncl product can be accessed with the module command. Note that only one version of ncl is available:

$ module avail ncl

Moreover, it can be used in only one environment, mixing gcc/9.1.0 with intel-mpi/19.0.4, as is shown in the display command output of module:

$ module display ncl
module-whatis   {NCL is an interpreted language designed specifically for scientific data analysis
 and visualization. Supports NetCDF 3/4, GRIB 1/2, HDF 4/5, HDF-EOD 2/5, shapefile, ASCII, binary.
 Numerous analysis functions are built-in.}
prereq          gcc/9.1.0
conflict        ncl
Available software environment(s):
- gcc/9.1.0 intel-mpi/19.0.4
If you want to use this module with another software environment,
please contact the support team.

To use ncl, you just need to load the corresponding module:

$ module load ncl
Loading ncl/6.6.2-mpi
  Loading requirement: gcc/9.1.0 intel-mpi/19.0.4
$ module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) gcc/9.1.0   2) intel-mpi/19.0.4   3) ncl/6.6.2-mpi
