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Jean Zay: ParaView
ParaView (Parallel Visualization Application) is a multi-platform software based on VTK which allows interactive 2D and 3D visualization of large volumes of scientific data.
Installed versions
- ParaView parallel version 5.6.0 with the gcc/9.1.0 and intel-mpi/19.0.4 environment
- ParaView parallel version 5.7.0 with the support of Nek5000 files: Installation is effectuated from an archive containing all the required binaries and libraries.
These two versions are accessible through the module
command (see the corresponding documentation on our Web site.
Version 5.6.0 is loaded by default:
$ module load paraview Loading paraview/5.6.0-mpi Loading requirement: gcc/9.1.0 intel-mpi/19.0.4 $ module list Currently Loaded Modulefiles: 1) gcc/9.1.0 2) intel-mpi/19.0.4 3) paraview/5.6.0-mpi
To use version 5.7.0, you should specify it on the command line:
$ module load paraview/5.7.0-mpi-python3-nek5000 $ module list Currently Loaded Modulefiles: 1) paraview/5.7.0-mpi-python3-nek5000
- ParaView IDRIS Beginner's Guide
- ParaView Web site: www.paraview.org