Jean Zay, CPU partition: Scientific libraries

  • Sequential libraries
    • ARPACK - Collection of Fortran77 subroutines designed to solve large scale eigenvalue problems
    • BLAS - Set of subroutines to perform basic linear algebra operations
    • GSL - Numerical library providing a wide range of mathematical routines
    • LAPACK - Fortran routines to solve dense linear algebra problems
    • METIS - Serial graph partitioning and fill-reducing matrix ordering
  • Sequential and parallel libraries
    • FFTW - Sequential and parallel routines for computing fast Fourier transforms
    • HYPRE - Scalable linear solvers and multigrid methods
    • INTEL MKL - Mathematical routines including BLAS, LAPACK, ScaLAPACK, sparse solvers and FFT
    • MATIO - C library for reading and writing binary MATLAB MAT files
    • MUMPS - Parallel multifrontal sparse direct solver
    • ParMETIS - Parallel graph partitioning and fill-reducing matrix ordering
    • PARPACK - Parallel version of ARPACK for solving eigenvalue and/or eigenvector problems
    • PETSc - Data structures and routines for the parallel resolution of linear systems
    • ScaLAPACK - Library of high-performance linear algebra routines for parallel distributed memory machines
    • SuiteSparse - Suite of CPU and GPU algorithms for sparse matrices
    • Trilinos - Set of algorithms in an object-oriented C++ software framework for solving scientific problems